Thank you for your comment Punk.
Members of the jury ( Lurkers in good standing) I would like to point out that some of the accusations presented by punk in this court whilst sensational, may also be true.
The Rebel.
and on this thread i want you to open your case against the governing body.. to make this fair i must select a jury.
i would therefore ask any lurking witnesses to be part of that jury.
now i would like court to begin and the prosecution to bring the charges against the " self called representives of jehover god".
Thank you for your comment Punk.
Members of the jury ( Lurkers in good standing) I would like to point out that some of the accusations presented by punk in this court whilst sensational, may also be true.
The Rebel.
and on this thread i want you to open your case against the governing body.. to make this fair i must select a jury.
i would therefore ask any lurking witnesses to be part of that jury.
now i would like court to begin and the prosecution to bring the charges against the " self called representives of jehover god".
and on this thread I want you to open your case against the Governing Body.
To make this fair I must select a jury. I would therefore ask any lurking witnesses to be part of that jury. Now I would like court to begin and the prosecution to bring the charges against the " self called representives of Jehover God"
I will begin by asking G.B member Mr Jackson. " are you a good for nothing old rat bag?" And the evasive answer of "MIGHT BE" doesn't count. Furthermore in your defence Mr Jackson I believe all posts on this thread should be fair and balanced where do we start:-
Q) Mr Jackson when you said under oath at the Royal Commission " it would be presumptous" to claim you had direction from Jehover, God were you infact saying you are a good for nothing old rat bag?
Further charges to follow.....
and with it the language in the w.t loosing its authority?.
i ask the question because, with the g.b now appearing before members on their social media, and reluctantly on royal commissions my opinion is :-.
a) the g.b can no longer hide like wells's invisible man.
Zoos thanks for the reply.
Now if the Watchtower were to collapse even the G.B will need new employment.
So what makes a G.B members C.V?
Name. Geoffrey Jackson.
Sex: Male
Education: None
Other important information.
Desperately concerned about the poor, but more concerned about negotiating property deals.
Main interest , employing lawyers to get me out of trouble for making inflationary comments about child abuse, people's sexual preference,and my interpretation of the bible.
Additional information:- I am super Pious,(I mean humble) and the envy of a world wide cult that has no education and are as deluded as me.
The Rebel.
and with it the language in the w.t loosing its authority?.
i ask the question because, with the g.b now appearing before members on their social media, and reluctantly on royal commissions my opinion is :-.
a) the g.b can no longer hide like wells's invisible man.
and with it the language in the W.T loosing its authority?
I ask the question because, with the G.B now appearing before members on their social media, and reluctantly on Royal Commissions my opinion is :-
A) The G.B can no longer hide like Wells's Invisible Man.
B) And I believe this shows the elevated authority and language the G.B use for the fiction it is.
Furthermore in my opinion combining the above with the W.T property empire collapsing many members are now putting two and two together and for the first time making four.
I also believe the Internet has created a war that even the most indoctrinated J.W can't win. Not if they sincerely challenge their beliefs. How can they now claim being deceived by Wells's Invisable Man?
So I honestly believe in the soon not so long away future their will remain no excuse for remaining a witness in good standing. Having said that Hitler was never Invisable and he had his followers whilst he carried out the most daring and macabre suffering.
What is your opinion?
The Rebel
i've quickly read through watchtower's submission to the royal commission.
seems like they aren't planning to change policy anytime soon.
they are critical of how the royal commission handled the situation.. the tone is of the submission is shear arrogance.
Wannaexit " Watchtowers response to the Royal Commision shows they learned nothing and will do nothing"
The Rebel (A) I am sure the Watchtower have learnt a lot from the Royal Commission in Australia, so it will be interesting how they approach the Royal Commission in England.
I say the above because ;-
A) Two members from my former congregation contacted me by email and mentioned the lack of sincerity G,B member G .Jackson showed. This is huge to me, because I am now disassociated, and yet two former friends in good standing renewed friendship with me, and are questioning the organisation because of G.B Geoffry Jacksons insincerity and evasive answers to questions.
As for your second question I agree " they will do nothing" practical as a result of the commissions findings. I say this because I believe they have no interest in the tragic moral conflicts that were raised about child abuse,
Therefore I have concluded :
A) image and superficiality is all the G.B is concerned about
B) I believe they are aware they damaged their image as a result of the Royal Commission.
C) I am sure they are aware this negative image has resulted in members questioning their authority.
An off topic observation , in my opinion the more members are exposed to the G.B on Watchtower media, the more obvious enough it becomes the G.B are simply playing fictional characters pretending to be something they are not.
The Rebel
I can understand " The Burden of Being Right" it's a bit like my insomnia I don't loose any sleep over it.
Anyway their (there) is nothing wrong with being right, if you don't abuse the privalige. (Am I right or wrong?)
The Rebel.
which i think is great, since as witnesses we never displayed any political inclinations.. but whilst political alligence means we are taking on new values, we are once again subject to trusting what the leaders say, and subject to propaganda from the media.. personally i see the irony of this situation, and must confess to being very skeptical, about supporting any political party.
in fact i am glad as a witness i abstained from voting, because i believe history has shown the vote that would have shaped my conscience would have been misplaced.. anyway how convinced are you of your new political views?.
the rebel..
David Cameron " " Brittain is paying down its debts" infact since coming to power while the deficit had fallen the debt has risen.
Geogge Osbourne boasting he halved the 1.7 EU surcharge, is not supported by published information.
The list is as long as dubious watchtower quotes, but " facts " do come to expose lies" and I am glad Tony Blair has finally had to apologise for the Iraq war and admit he lied.( Now let's put him on trial for war crimes)
The Rebel
which i think is great, since as witnesses we never displayed any political inclinations.. but whilst political alligence means we are taking on new values, we are once again subject to trusting what the leaders say, and subject to propaganda from the media.. personally i see the irony of this situation, and must confess to being very skeptical, about supporting any political party.
in fact i am glad as a witness i abstained from voting, because i believe history has shown the vote that would have shaped my conscience would have been misplaced.. anyway how convinced are you of your new political views?.
the rebel..
Punk I always admire the way you call a spade a spade, but I hope you realise your above comment " POLITICIANS are FILTH" will forfeit you from this years queens honours list?
As this means " Paul Jackson" will never become " Sir" " O.B.E " or even a " C.B.E" P Jackson, I suggest you take your above comments back. I also suggest you do so immediately, and send your apologies to :-
Her Majesty, ( The Queen) Buckingham Palace, ( opposite St James Park) London
The Rebel.
which i think is great, since as witnesses we never displayed any political inclinations.. but whilst political alligence means we are taking on new values, we are once again subject to trusting what the leaders say, and subject to propaganda from the media.. personally i see the irony of this situation, and must confess to being very skeptical, about supporting any political party.
in fact i am glad as a witness i abstained from voting, because i believe history has shown the vote that would have shaped my conscience would have been misplaced.. anyway how convinced are you of your new political views?.
the rebel..
I must say how fortunate I am, that I was raised in a given social order, in which instead of knowing hunger, I was able to accumulate wealth simply by being born and owning property in London rather than other less affluent areas of England.
i mention the above, because once upon a time not so long ago I believed my being born ln London made me better than the average person. But I have come to realise if something exists in one place It doesn't mean it exists somewhere else. And if I had been born somewhere else I may have been bombed or suffered many other catastrophes.
ok being baptised a witness was a CATASTROPHE I suffered but wasn't that because of politics? As in other lands through politics the Witnesses are banned. And is not politics why many " poor" today in England live on a level in which most have a refrigerator, television and cadgets than my rich grand-mother never had?
So what am I trying to say?
The civilization I see in my land Is the stupidity of many rich and poor alike not being satisfied, and pursuing ridiculous more wants more. Such propaganda is filled by the advertisers, selling to the rich " clothes worn by movie stars " and to the poor cheap mass production models of cloths worn by movie stars. But isn't it the political system that allows it?
i can imagine in many lands where such materialism is not so important, more families returning home from work and eating supper together as a family, then helping the children with homework and enjoying quality time together. Such families I imagine are more likely to discuss politics together, or at least discuss a worldview. ( I accept such thinking could still be big brother, but unfortunately in England I think many people are materalistic, and also more interested in T.V soap operas, reality TV, & football than discussing politics or having a family meal together.
So my point is ;-
Q) why is a government happy that citizens can think this way?
I ask the question because i am sure many who vote, put more effort in to how they wear there clothes to the election poll, than about the deeper issues of the impact of their vote. But as ex-witnesses our " Captive Minds" have been opened, and so surely if we have political alligence and vote, this should be well thought out?
Therefore back to my O.P "I have noticed many threads and posts on political inclinations," should also ask:-
A) Q) How much time do you spend on politics.
B) Q) Do you really believe your vote will matter? ( remember how we had the theocratic vote in the K.H)
The Rebel.
absolutely disgusting!.
Samuel Herd G.B member " would recognise if you truly love your husband you are not equipped mentally, emotionally,physically, somatically for the role of competition. You would never pit your mind against your husband"
The Rebel, (Q) So to clarify Mr Herd, what you are infact saying is that when a husband questions the organisation, and its teachings, the wife is not equipped, mentally or emotionally to pit her mind against the husband and should share the husbands views on apostasy?
The Rebel.